Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dressing Sexy for the In-Laws

Dear Jen and Tom,
This isn’t horrific, unless you count family humiliation as a nation crisis! I am a very outgoing and opinionated woman, but only once you get to know me. My husband is from Texas but we live in Oregon so we don’t get to see his folks that often. This being said you can already assume that meeting the parents was a huge deal for me and I was my shy and awkward self the entire time. I still am now that I think of it. The specific moment I am thinking of is my wedding shower. My now mother-in-law got us the typical dinner china. She even went to the trouble to send me a scented candle and relaxing bath salts. However, at the bottom of the bag, I thought it was a silky bathrobe, however when I pulled it out in front of all of my family and friends I saw she got me VERY INTIMATE lingerie. How awful! It was an extra large, I wear medium! I was horrified! I didn’t know if it was serious or a bad joke. I still can’t get over the fact that a stranger, whether or not I was about to marry her son, got me such a humiliating present!

Better luck to you,
Julie, Portland OR


Dear Jen and Tom,
I have severe indoor allergies but hate taking medication. I do take medication when I need it, but I keep my home pretty tidy so it’s not that much of a hassle when I’m at home. My husband calls me a neat freak, but it’s more cleanliness I prefer. He would probably just die if he knew I was complaining about this, but this is truly a disaster story. On our honeymoon we went to the Swiss Alps. We stayed in a cozy little private cottage and we even went skiing on some smaller mountains most of the days of our trip. However, cottage is a word we typically associate with sweet, this however was not. It was so dusty and dirty I had a sneezing attack. The first night in my husband had to run out and get me some medication. It knocked me right out and he was left alone to watch the fire for hours until he could sleep! So much for romance! I had to request a cleaning crew to come in and totally de-allergen the entire place! It was horrible and I felt a little ridiculous but there was no way I could have survived that!

Love Always,
Cynthia, CO